Temporary Protection Visas (TPV) and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEV) – What is happening?

The Labor Government has promised that people on SHEV and TPV visas will get permanent visas in the first six months of the Labor Government, that is by November 2022.
So what is happening now, at the beginning of July 2022?
Pathways to a permanent visa?
The Government is trying to figure out the pathway to a permanent visa for people on TPV and SHEV. They must be careful how to do this because there are not enough staff in the Department now, and there is already so much stress on immigration officers. They also must be careful that they do this in a legal and safe way, so that Australians have confidence in them.
This means that they will not just snap their fingers and it will change overnight. There will be a process and it will either be quick or slow.
The quick way is that SHEV and TPV holders will get a notification and may be asked to go to an immigration office for a quick interview and then be given their permanent visa.
The slow way is that the Minister will bring in a new type of visa that only people on SHEV and TPV can apply for. Immigration officers will then assess these applications.
We do not know which way the Minister will choose yet.
Do your police check now!
What we do know is that people on SHEV and TPV will probably be asked to do a fresh Australian Federal Police check, so we recommend that you do this NOW to avoid a possible rush. Use this link: https://afpnationalpolicechecks.converga.com.au/
At question 2.3 Purpose of Check, choose “Commonwealth Employment/Purpose” for Purpose Type and then “33 – Immigration/Citizenship – for Supply to the Department of Home Affairs” for Purpose of Check.
This should only cost you $42 plus postage.
Don’t forget to list ALL the names you have ever had, including nick names.
Trouble with police? How will this affect your visa?
If you have a criminal conviction CONTACT US NOW on 0456 004 810 or by email [email protected] ! We can help you with this and it is best to be proactive, to explain this to the Department without them having to ask about it, especially now that they are looking at granting permanent residence to SHEV and TPV holders.
When the Minister does decide how to give permanent residence to SHEV and TPV holders, we will post again and explain the process.
We are almost there! Nine years and more of unnecessary and cruel delays for people that are recognised refugees! It is almost over – hang in there!