Malaysia and LGBTIQ+ protection visas

The Department of Home Affairs is consistently refusing to grant protection visa applications from LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers from Malaysia.
This is deeply shocking, given that Malaysia has one of the worst records of inhumane treatment of LGBTIQ+ people in the world.
Last week (10 August 2022), a report from Human Rights Watch gave details of the abuse, discrimination and violence against the Malaysian LGBTIQ community, in a report called “‘I Don’t Want to Change Myself’: Anti-LGBT Conversion Practices, Discrimination, and Violence in Malaysia”
Homosexuality is a criminal offence in Malaysia. The punishment for a person convicted of having either oral or anal sex, is mandatory whipping and jail for up to 20 years.
If a person identifies as gay or lesbian, they are subject to conversion programs that try to “cure” homosexuality through “rehabilitation” programs. The Human Rights Watch report found that as of June 2021, at least 1,733 people had attended these programs.
Not only do conversion programs hurt and damage LGBTIQ+, but they “… send a dangerous message to the wider public that LGBT people can and should change their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression”, which is inhumane and untrue.
We have current cases where applications for a protection visa from Malaysian lesbians have been refused because the Australian Department of Home Affairs officer either does not “believe” that the women are lesbians or refuse because the women have not been physically attacked or arrested while they lived in Malaysia.
These attitudes are deeply problematic and out of step with the broader Australian community’s views on LGBTIQ people and their right to live a free and happy life.
We are experts as LGBTIQ+ asylum applications AND have lived experience as out and proud members of the LGBTIQ+ community.
We know. We care. We will look after you.
Call us now on 0456 004 810 or email Peggy at [email protected]